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Craig Simon

Craig Simon

Welcone to my little corner of the internet. Please take a look around.


Using the PicoGraphics library to display text on an Inky Frame
·1241 words·6 mins· loading · loading
IoT MicroPython Pimoroni Inky Frame 5.7 Pico Graphics
Building a Youtube Subscription Tracker with an Inky Frame
·1036 words·5 mins· loading · loading
IoT MicroPython Pimoroni Inky Frame 5.7
AWS Parameter and Secrets Lambda Extension Video
·192 words·1 min· loading · loading
AWS Lambda AWS Lambda AWS Secrets Manager AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store
Rust the Big Picture
·37 words·1 min· loading · loading
Rust Language Rust PluralSight
Authentik Open Source Authentication on AWS
·1835 words·9 mins· loading · loading
Authentication Authorization Authentik OIDC SAML SCIM